January 31, 2025

Liquibase’s Docker Official Image: Containerization for database DevOps

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We’re incredibly excited to announce Liquibase’s Docker Official Image for 4.27.0 and newer. This designation represents the culmination of extensive collaboration with the Docker team to ensure that Liquibase’s image meets their high standard for security, documentation, and usability. 

It’s fantastic to have their seal of approval and to know that we’re doing all the right things to make our Docker distribution safe and easy to adopt. 

Check it out on dockerhub! You can also learn how to use the Official Liquibase Docker Image in our Support documentation.

The transformative role of Docker Image containerization

When I think about transformative technology in IT infrastructure over the last couple of decades, containerization is very high on the list and Docker is the standard. Containers offer quick and easy access to all kinds of software and services that are critical to the development,  deployment and scalable hosting of software products.

Containers are built from definitions called “images” that specify all of the software, configuration, and dependencies required to run a given service or utility. Images ensure that your environments are consistent throughout the pipeline from a developer's laptop to production. 

Containers are easy to start, stop, and scale up or down, making them indispensable for teams working on microservices and implementing DevOps in the cloud. I use them all the time when working on reference implementations for DevOps pipelines or demonstrations of new Liquibase features.  

Containerization simplifies & streamlines for safe scalability

At every stop in the pipeline, I manage my database in one container, my application in a separate container, and I use several containerized utilities to develop completely automated, fault-tolerant workflows that start with a code commit and end with a production release. 

If I encounter an issue or bork the config on one of my systems, I can easily stop it and build a new one in a known good state in seconds with a few commands or clicks. If I need to upgrade or downgrade a component of my stack I simply bring down the old container and spin up a new one with the version of the software I need. 

I don’t like to think about how I might do this prior to containers when you often vied for access with several other developers on shared systems that required a specialist to manage. While I miss the extra coffee breaks and darts tournaments that I enjoyed while waiting for a build or deployment as a scrappy technologist in the early 00s, I am happy to be freed from the frustration and chaos of single-threaded shared infrastructure.

Containers have become a cornerstone of many other platforms and frameworks you’ve no doubt used or heard a lot about. Kubernetes was built to efficiently manage containerized applications and simplify their deployment and scaling so companies could more easily provide robust, reliable and performant experiences to their customers. 

The major cloud providers offer their own container repositories and integrated services (including Kubernetes) to help customers take full advantage of the simplicity, flexibility, and power of containerized resources. 

Because of this, achieving Docker’s Official Image certification was a no-brainer for us. In order to support our community and customers in the pursuit of operational excellence, we simply have to ensure that we are providing them with easy-to-access, demonstrably secure, and ultimately reliable Liquibase software where and how they need it.


We want to build automation solutions for every database in every tech stack and every architecture. To get there, we know we need to aggressively minimize the work required to integrate Liquibase into delivery processes that span a wide variety of practices and toolchains. 

Containerizing the Liquibase application has been of enormous benefit in that regard. Our container on DockerHub is the fastest path to install and use Liquibase for individual development and automation. 

With all of the dependencies and configuration handled by the image definition, it is trivial to familiarize yourself with the jobs that Liquibase does and how to do them. It’s enabled our users to spend more time focused on building cool stuff and less time wrangling the tools they use to build it. 

Achieving Official status gives our users and those evaluating Liquibase peace of mind knowing they can trust that what they are using is vetted and approved by the expert in the space: Docker. All one has to worry about now is how to modernize and improve their delivery practices with Liquibase.


Databases have always posed a unique set of security concerns in software development. Simply put, they are like bank vaults full of gold. That gold must be protected from: 

  • Natural disasters (catastrophic technology failures)
  • Attempted theft (hackers obtaining sensitive information for nefarious ends)

A big part of maintaining a strong security footing for these vaults is to make sure the doors, windows, and ventilation systems are locked up tight. In software development, that means vigilantly patrolling for vulnerabilities that could lead to a breach. 

Docker Official images have passed rigorous security audits and undergo routine scans for vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. This is something that we’ve always done with all of our software, but now you don’t just have to take our word for it – you can trust the vote of confidence from the folks who understand containerization best!


I’m a big believer in the adage, “You’re only as good as your last <fill in the blank>.” It’s a lot easier to do something great once than it is to establish a consistent pattern of performance and achievement. 

We operate in a dynamic and ever-evolving space, and developing those habits is critical to unlocking our own potential and that of our users. It’s one thing to achieve Docker Official status, but maintaining that status requires us to establish a pattern of consistent achievement through regular maintenance and updates that continually improve and expand what our users can do with Liquibase. 

Users can rely on Liquibase because we recognize the value of being held accountable and are taking very clear steps to ensure that we are held accountable in everything we do.

Bring DevOps to the database with Liquibase and Docker

Now’s the time to explore the containerized Liquibase experience and bring the automation, security, and reliability benefits to your pipelines.  

The Official Docker Image represents our commitment to providing you with solutions that are easy enough to get started quickly, secure enough to handle your most sensitive workloads, and reliable enough to commit for the future.

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Pete Pickerill
Pete Pickerill
Head of Developer Relations, Liquibase

Prior to co-founding Liquibase (formerly Datical), Pete was a factotum for several Austin startups, most notably Phurnace (acquired by BMC), WholeSecurity (acquired by Symantec) & LoopOne (acquired by Neopost). Follow him on LinkedIn.

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Accelerate database changes, reduce failures, and enforce governance across your pipelines.

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