Share your Liquibase Expertise
Join other writers and video producers in teaching the community about Liquibase – share your feedback, share your story, and share your expertise. For over a decade, people from around the world have helped out in so many ways. Thank you! Here’s how you can keep it going and make the community even better.

Write an article
Liquibase has many use cases and we need your expertise to write about them! Sharing your knowledge makes a huge impact on our community.

Create a video
Whether it’s a “Getting Started”, a walk-through on specific commands, or explaining why someone should use Liquibase, videos are a great way to show the ropes.

Improve docs
Help write new documentation via our docs repository or improve existing content and we’ll give you the credit.

Liquibase Legends
Join the Liquibase Legends community! Get points for learning about Liquibase and sharing your community contributions. Compete with others, or just show-off your badges and accreditations.

Liquibase Legends Leaderboard

Meet Liquibase community writers and video producers

“Liquibase helped us migrate the database schema changes easily along with application code deployment during the CI/CD progress for microservices.”

“Liquibase essentially allows users to use and treat databases as source code and completes the missing DevOps approach to databases.”

“I enjoy contributing articles to the community. It feels great to pass down the knowledge.”

“I love the way Liquibase offers flexibility in how changes in changelog files are managed.”

“Liquibase is by far the best tool for database versioning. I can’t imagine not having it in my project workflow.”