How to automate database change management for platform engineering

Automate your pipelines across the application and database layers

August 29, 2024

Building and maintaining developer platforms isn’t an easy task — challenges like changing requirements and new technology make it difficult to keep up with the demands from your end users.

As you create and update your platforms, you need an easy way to manage changes to your databases. Enter Liquibase: the leading database DevOps platform that allows you to automate your database change pipelines. From orchestrated deployments to policy enforcement and pipeline analytics, Liquibase is the complete solution to build automated, standardized, secure, and compliant database change workflows.

Learn how to:

  • Extend your CI/CD pipeline to the database
  • Get full visibility into your database change management pipelines
  • Ship faster than ever while reducing risk 

Our panel of experts

Amy Smith
Amy Smith
Professional Services Engineer, Liquibase
James Bennett
James Bennett
Solution Architect, Liquibase

August 29, 2024

11 AM CT