When & Why to Use State- & Migration-Based Database Deployments
Are you using the right method to create database schema changes?
Some tools offer seemingly quick and easy change scripts by comparing to an ideal database state, but this method is best used only for specific purposes. The backbone of DevOps-aligned database change management comes in the form of migration-based change creation, a more engineering-oriented approach that breaks out iterative, atomic changes.
Don't fret - it's a complex topic! Thankfully, this updated whitepaper walks through the state- and migration-based methods so you can understand them and wisely choose the right one for each use in the database pipeline.
Covered in this white paper
Learn the fundamental differences between state and migrations-based database deployment approaches and which approach your team should use for your Database DevOps initiatives. Find out how the right approach at the right time enables:
- Automated deployments
- Immediate feedback
- Targeted rollback capabilities
- Workflow/pipeline observability
- More agile change processes
Plus, how to roll the state-/migration-based methodology into a complete database DevOps environment.