July 15, 2020

Liquibase 4.0 Released

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Table of contents

We are excited to announce that Liquibase 4.0 is now available. This is the first semantic versioning number upgrade in a long time.

Liquibase 4.0 is the result of thousands of hours of work, hundreds of the community’s issues and Pull Requests, and two months of beta testing. It has been a lot, but we believe it’s worth it. Here’s a closer look at what’s in this major release.


This release has literally hundreds of improvements and bug fixes. Too many to list! Here's a summary of the major changes:

  • Community and internal team PRs
  • Rewrites of internal extensions
  • A compatibility layer for community-supported (and not-yet-updated) extensions
  • New ways to find and use files and resources
  • New interactions with integrations, such as Maven, SpringBoot and Gradle
  • New logging methods

Liquibase Library API-breaking changes

While this Liquibase 4.0 GA release is beta-tested and production-ready, it is important to note that we moved from 3.x to 4.x because there are API breaking changes in this release. To better understand how some behaviors and practices which were acceptable in 3.x usage will not work in 4.x usage, it's helpful to review the release notes from recent releases that have been incorporated into Liquibase 4.0:

Get involved

We’re always looking to fix bugs and improve documentation for everyone in the Liquibase community.

Nathan Voxland
Nathan Voxland
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See Liquibase in Action

Accelerate database changes, reduce failures, and enforce governance across your pipelines.

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