July 27, 2020

Liquibase 3.10.2 Released

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We are excited to announce the penultimate 3.x Liquibase release in Liquibase 3.10.2, available now!

Community contributions and
bug fixes

This release merges many community-contributed pull requests. Thanks to everyone who helps make the Liquibase community strong!
See all 3.10.2 issues in Github

  • GH PR#980 ? fixed invalid carriage return coming from oracle ojdbc8
  • GH PR#976 ? Changes databasechangelog sql to use legacy mode
  • [CORE-3525] Add support for java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE.
  • GH PR#929 ⁃ Fix #CORE-3493 Inconsistent resolution of ChangeLogParameters in liqu…
  • GH PR#744 ? Informix data type generation with Default Value cause
  • GH PR#1176 ? Add MariaDB sequence support to the 3.10.x branch
  • GH PR#1177 ? CORE-3643: fixed the 'shouldValidateX' methods in the Constraints
  • GH PR#1201 ? H2 unknown reserved word
  • Dependency cycle error during generateChangeLog with --diffTypes=tables,columns,data
  • liquibase maven:: unable to run tests on java > 8
  • LB & PRO: Add Banner in log output that directs users to online resources.

Get involved

Our community has built a lot. From extensions to integrations to bug fixes, you�ve helped make Liquibase the amazing open source project that it is today. Keep contributing to make it stronger:

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Nathan Voxland
Nathan Voxland
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See Liquibase in Action

Accelerate database changes, reduce failures, and enforce governance across your pipelines.

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